Our Platform Advantage

Easily analyze an investment portfolio, make accurate financial decisions.

Aggregation & Reconciliation

We add the information of positions and transactions of all its custodians, standardizing the information to a unique format. This allows us to reconcile positions and valuations.

Portfolio Analysis

Regardless of the complexity of your portfolio, we can calculate performance and risk metrics. This includes analysis of benchmarks, performance contribution and attribution.


The security of information is one of our fundamental pillars, which is why we are constantly reviewing and testing our solutions.

Top Tier Reporting

We have more than 100 standard reports at your disposal. We can prepare reports tailored, and statements massively for your clients.

Web Access

The information, analysis and reporting can be accessed 24/7 through our website, or yours.

Multi-Currency & Language

Our solutions are built to work in any functional language or currency, which are defined by the user.

Start usingthe platform for brilliantbusiness decisions.

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